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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Changes to Deck Pages and Unicorn Synchro

I'm going to change the deck pages at the top to reflect what I am currently playing with. Those are Amaryllis, Koakis and Intro to Chaos. The other decks will always be in my mind and once I think up new strategies to increase their power, I will bring each one back. But for now, we will do the swap.

Yesterday, I mentioned briefly about Unicorn Synchro, a beast deck that attempts to synchro as a win condition, often using the RFG zone as part of the engine. It is still in pre-alpha. Right now, I am testing to make a build that is as close to being the most responsive that I can. So far, this is what I've come up with:

Unicorn Synchro

x3 Dark Desertapir
x1 Egotistical Ape
x2 Elephun
x2 Giant Rat
x3 Mine Mole
x1 Monoceros
x1 Naturia Pineapple
x2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
x2 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
x2 X-Saber Airbellum
x3 Future Fusion
x2 Gold Sarcophagus
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x3 Soul Release
x3 Unicorn Beacon
x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
x1 Torrential Tribute
x2 Trap Stun

As you can see, the deck has a few cards that are very important.
Tuners: Airbellum is usually the go-to tuner in every deck it is used in. Unfortunately, in this deck Airbellum can often be a hindrance. With Mine mole on the field, Airbellum forces you to make a non-beast synchro. He is also not searchable except by Mega Hamster, which is often a waste of resources. This makes Elephun almost more important. Then, Ape is there to supplement the small number of tuners in the deck.
Dark Desertapir: The toolbox of the deck. It's effect activates from Beacon, Visions, Soul Release, and even Gold Sarc. This enables 1-2 card synchros and sometimes even nets an additional draw through Mine Mole!
Future Visions: This card is one of the few control cards available in the deck. Since so many monsters are easily attacked over, Visions allows you to plan ahead(like the name says). Also, it is part of the synchro strategy.

Let's talk a bit about the extra deck. In it, there are:
x2 Thunder Unicorn, lv 5
x1 Naturia Beast, lv 5
x1 Ally of Justice Catastor, lv 5
x1 Magical Andriod, lv 5
x1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, lv 6
x1 Goyo Guardian, lv 6
x1 Flamvell Urquizas, lv 6
x2 Voltic Bicorn, lv 7
x1 Black Rose Dragon, lv 7
x1 Stardust Dragon, lv 8
x1 Scrap Dragon, lv 8
x1 Lightning Tricorn, lv 8
x1 Colossal Fighter, lv 8

This is all subject to change, but so far the level 5's and level 7 synchros are the most important. Sometimes, I will syncro for 8 if there is a threat, but typically I go for 5 or 7. Until konami makes a level 6 synchro beast, 6's are almost detrimental to play.

Anyway, pre-alpha(meaning still theoretical and I don't have the cards in real life). Deck is far from complete but it is so interesting, it almost makes me want to make it as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Yellow baboon might be something to consider here. Remoze 2 monsters in grave to special summon it. DD tapir says hi!


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