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Friday, November 19, 2010

Various things.

Ritual of GraceI don't have TOO much to talk about today. So I'll give a little bit of updates. I did take Divine Armageddon to locals last week and got into top 8. I lost to D.fissure Glads and to AbZero, which was 100% my fault. The deck works very well and I was able to beat what I thought was the worst matchup for it - Quickdraw Plants. You can tell that D.A. works because a lot of time I will have 4-6 cards in my hand while my opponent is playing multiple cards per turn, all of which get nuked by Black Rose or Demise during my next turn. But as I was saying, I did lose to D.Fissure Glads (a deck I always seem to lose to), so D.A.'s side deck needs some tweaking. Right now it uses the generic deck-hating side that the Koaki deck runs, but since Koakis don't have a dedicated harmful card like other decks do, it can side cards to use solely AGAINST decks. D.A. requires a side deck that can not only punish the opponent for using a tier 1 deck, but also stop the cards used to side against itself (Macro). I did the same with Unicorn Synchro, the side-deck is no longer "tier 1-hate", it is now complementary. So basically, I will have to find cards that can replace the Salvo Destruction engine and play into the opponent's Macro Cosmos. So far, the only things I've come up with is siding into the Demise-Garland build, with Escape from the Dark Dimension and Return from the D.D.
Voltic Bicorn
Speaking of Unicorn synchro, real life testing hasn't been going to well. Deck hurdles are important to think about with any new deck, especially one that you can't just find on the internet. Decks suffer from pretty much the same things, just some are more important than others. It can be overcoming enemies with high ATK power(monarchs), holding comparable field advantage(Sabers, Samurai), dealing with monster effects (Herald, Quickdraw), Backrow vulnerability(Stun, Macro) and a multitude of other things. From what I've gathered so far, Unicorn Synchro has 2 serious contenders. Those are Effect Negation (Skill Drain) and it has a serious Backrow Vulnerability. Monsters aren't usually an issue with the deck's synchro performance, so we had to take out a few of the trap cards that are designed for monster-stun. Most of this has been replaced by more offensive cards, as Unicorn Synchro is a surprisingly offensive deck, though many effects activate when your monster is killed. The way the deck is played is beginning to show more and more. You take hits, and burst back. Unicorn MK II needs more testing, but I feel that we are fast on the track of the correct build.
Naturia Ant Jaw
Lastly, a small tournament in Japan had a top 4 winning Naturia deck, which is great because "Naturals" are fun cards and I would love to give them a try. Though Naturia Cliff is not out yet, Naturia Cherry was released in STBL, and that is part of the Natural arsenal. Cherry is your fuel, Cliff is your grabber, Antjaw and Bambooshoot are the win condition. Besides those 3 cards, the only thing else you really need is to stop your opponent's monsters. So the rest of the deck is mostly monster stun. This is a look at the deck that topped. DISCLAIMER: I do not condone netdecking. It is difficult to find originality in a pool of 3000 items, but playing a deck strictly because it wins prizes is my definition of "netdecking."

x1 Giant Rat
x1 Medusa Worm
x1 Morphing Jar
x3 Bambooshoot
x2 Naturia Butterfly(DT07)
x3 Naturia Cliff (DT05)
x3 Des Lacooda (Not sure the reasoning behind this)
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Swords of Revealing Light
x3 Duality
x1 Trunade
x3 Dark Bribe
x2 Bottomless
x2 Grave of the Super Ancient Organism
x1 Mirror Force
x1 Solemn Judgement
x2 Solemn Warning
x1 Wall of Revealing Light
x1 Royal Oppression
x1 Trap Stun
x3 Fiendish Chain (hate this card)
x1 Starlight Road
x3 Red Screen (excessive if you ask me)

Thats a whopping 21 trap cards. Some of the cards I do not necessarily agree with, but it worked for this guy/gal.

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