Hi everyone and welcome to my personal blog! Despite the huge Yugioh banner above this text, I post about other things too, specifically video games. Leave comments wherever you like and check me out on Facebook and Twitter @Veedotme.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Little Big Planet 2 is amazing.

For those who do not know, I am a big Sack enthusiast. I played the crap out of Little Big Planet 1, and now the sequel has been released and it does everything the 1st one did, better. I failed to get all the trophies in LBP1, but I will not falter on this one! In fact, Little Big Planet 2 will have its own tag, because I will obviously be posting about it very often.

So before I talk about completing the game, let me touch a bit more on how fun it is. The first game did suffer from 1 problem, in that you could only do so much with the platforming. Pits with spikes, rotating wheels of fire, turrets that shoot at you, and other things. But this time around, the story levels each have their own content(gimmicks to some), that the platforming surprises you every time. Not only that, but the game will break out of simple platforming and go into a top-down shooter or racer in the middle of the level. With the new creation options, the possibilities seem endless on what you can do for levels.

Besides playing "story levels", we are very excited about dressing up our Sacks(we meaning Chelsea and I). Customizing characters was a very important part of LBP1, and the sequel is no different. There is a plethora of new items and you even get to keep your old items to make all new looks! My white Valkyrie seems so bland compared to Chelsea's Caped Elk Burlesque Lady.
Kyle is also in this.

The trophies are going to be something exciting though. Currently, I am at 29%, which is nothing at all. These are the main ones that I will have to get:
1) Ace every story level.
2)Play 75 Community Levels.
3)Play 25 Community versus Levels (ugh).
4)Have my own level played by 25 different people (gotta ask BG for help on this one).
5)Give 160 votes on community levels (so jump into at least 160 games?)

I'll have my work cut out for me, but I'm excited nonetheless!

Sorry for the lack of updates by the way. If you watch the Sidebar to the right, you can see a new game that I have been playing. Well, its not new, but it is taking up a lot of time that could be spent on blogspot. After we finish Xenosaga Episode 1(I believe I have another 10 hours of content left before it is finished), I may be able to take a break from those and go back to Mag. But I also have Fallout New Vegas and Resident Evil 4 waiting for me. There's also Rock Band 3 that I need to play more of.

Too Many Games.

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