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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Quickee Post, Deck Failures

So I decided to take a look at the rest of the STOR Nordic monsters. The idea was that I could abuse Vanadis and Valkyrie and make an awesome Chaos variant of the deck. But upon looking at the Dark and Light Nordic monsters (Ascents and Alfars), they all revolve around 1 basic premise that isn't as good as it used to be, and thats hand EXPLOSION!!

And what I mean by that is blowing your entire hand to put something ridiculous on the field. In the past, this would be great, as hand resources were pretty slim on both sides of mat. Nowadays, hand resources are so important that "AA" Nordics are self-defeating. Most of them have effects that let you summon additional Nordics at the cost of your hand, all for the purpose of summoning a god(Aesir). The Chaos deck was good in theory, in that Valkyrie sends cards instantly to the RFG zone for RftDD, Dimensional Alch, and others. Vanadis sends darks and lights to the grave to fuel Chaos Sorcerer. The hand part is what makes the deck "garbo". Sure you can summon an Odin on turn 1, but at the cost of your entire hand? Then what do you do turn 2? I'm sure it can be a fun deck, but it desperately needs a way to refill your hand besides Dimensional Alchemist.

This is a rough idea of the deck:
Monsters: 2x
x3 Battle Fader
x3 Dimensional Alchemist
x2 Chaos Sorcerer
x1 Dark Armed Dragon
x2 Garm of the Nordic Beasts
x1 Gorz
x1 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts
x2 Ryko
x3 Mega Hamster
x2 Tanngnjostr
x2 Tanngrisnir
x2 Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant
x3 Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant
Spells: 7
x1 Allure
x1 Cold Wave
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Trunade
x1 Mind Control
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Avarice
Traps: 6
x1 Compulsory
x1 Mirror Force
x1 RftDD
x2 Solemn Warning
x1 Torrential


  1. hi, I always read your blogs, it's awesome. I made my own version of a beast deck, and I wish you could look it, so you would give your opinion.

    I follow your post every time. Good Job.

  2. I couldn't find it on your site. But your's looks pretty good too.


Thanks for reading.