1) Summon Trooper, Machine Dupe, Summon another Trooper.
2) Mill 6, hit Dandylion, get 2 tokens.
3) Set 2 Backrow, pass.
My turn: Cards in hand: MST, Reborn, Chawa, Cerb, Kushano, Krus (Not a very good hand to me.)
1) MST their backrow (hit MST, uh oh)
2) Discard Cerb, Special Chawa, Special Cerb.
3) Normal Summon Kushano(my hand was THAT bad)
4) Reborn Dandylion.
5) 1 Card in hand, tune Dandy with Cerb into Fabled Ragin, Draw into Ganashia. Opponent gets no tokens.
6) Think hard.
7) Tune Kushano with Ragin to make Valkyrus.
8) Discard Ganashia for Kushano's effect. Add Kushano to the hand, and then special summon Ganashia.
9) Valk effect, discard Kushano, draw into 2 Krus in hand(omg).
10) Tune Ganashia with Chawa to make Unicore. Our hands are equal and he has 1 set card, 2 Troopers and 2 dandy tokens. I have Unicore and Valkyrus.
11) Attack over both Troopers with both monsters, opponent does not get to draw 2 cards.
I go first in this situation:
Opening hand: Ganashia Ganashia Grimro Grimro Trunade Cerberrul (honestly, a really good turn 1 hand.)
1) Normal Summon Ganashia. (5 cards in hand)
2) Activate Grimro's effect, search out Chawa.
3) Chawa effect, discard Cerberrul to summon itself. Then Cerberrul special summons itself. (3 Cards in hand)
4) Activate the next Grimro, search out another Chawa.
5) Chawa effect, discard Ganashia for the special summmon. Then, Ganashia summons itself. (1 card in hand)
6) Set the 1 card in hand (Giant Trunade).
7) Synchro the Cerberrul and the 1st Ganashia to make Fabled Ragin, then draw 2 cards. (Krus and Solemn Warning)
8) Synchro 1 of the Chawa and Fabled Ragin for Brionac. Brionac's effect to discard the Krus and pick up Trunade. Krus activates and summons Fabled Grimro.
9) Set both cards in hand (Trunade and Solemn Warning).
10) Synchro together the 2nd Chawa with the new Grimro to make another Ragin. Draw 2 new cards. (Sangan and MST)
End of the turn leaves me with 1 Brionac, 1 Ragin, 1 SS'd Ganashia, 1 Warning, 1 Trunade and 1 MST!
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