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Friday, December 2, 2011

LoL just got a bit more interesting

Believe it or not, I haven't played League of Legends in months. Shortly after Domination was released in September, I went on a bit of a hiatus from the game. In the time that I was away, more champs were released (Xerath, Graves, Shyvana, and Volibear today) a few champs have received some much needed changes, and even masteries and summoner spells have been reworked. In the beginning, I wasn't too impressed, as my main champions suffered a bit of power creep after the patches. Just before losing interest again, I discovered that I do not have to play my champs the same old way that I used to. My favorite new build is definitely Tanky DPS Nidalee.

Nidalee has gone through a lot of changes over the past few months:
1) They reduced the mana cost of Javelin toss and the cooldown to try to encourage using it at lower levels.
2) Healing effects were nerfed across the board, so Nidalee not only had her AP/amount healed ratio reduced, but her mana cost was across increased.
3) Nidalee's 10% dodge in Cougar form was changed to an armor and magic resist buff, maxing at +20/+20.
4) Nidalee's pounce in Cougar form is now has a higher cooldown(4 seconds). This cooldown can be reduced with items and buffs.
5) Nidalee's Swipe in cougar form has a higher AP damage ratio.

Nidalee on her own has very average stats. Nothing amazing, and probably just short of "lackluster" when you compare her to other champs that can do the same thing. In the same vein, Nidalee has an advantage in that her average stats can be pushed into just about any direction you want them to go. In the past for me, this would be an AP/Apsd/AD hybrid, using Guinsoo's Rageblade and Trinity for strong spear throws, heals, and a decent auto-attack. The build isn't bad, but the new tanky DPS build is a bit more consistent in the few days I have been using it.
Disclaimer: This is for solo queue only. I do not participate in Ranked matches.

1) Now matter how good you are at skill shots, Javelin Toss is not a DPS skill. If your opponent allows you to kill them solely on spears, then your AP build didn't give you the win, the bad player did. Javelin Toss excels in taking out foes that think they are safe. If you miss your Toss, then your intentions will be revealed and you will probably miss your next ones. Depending on your gear, it is 5-6 seconds in between each Javelin Toss, so even in an AP build, this can't be the primary source of damage.
2) Full AP builds are very squishy and a 300 Heal on a 2500 HP Nidalee is only 1/8 of her maximum health. Sustaining characters is great with the heal, but won't fill that full support role. Without AP items, Primal Surge gives you plenty of sustain in lane to keep farming. The heal may max out at 190, but Nidalee is already great at avoiding death.
You don't always have to dominate the lane. You need only out farm and outsustain your opponent until it is time to kill them.

In solo lane, this is becoming more and more apparent to me as most players don't care about the long haul. Taking on the new build allows me to ignore most of the harass from other players in my lane, while harassing them back AND killing minions for gold. At level 6, nothing short of point-and-click stuns really kills me; Nidalee has great escape options to prolong her life. The new build supplements that with HP, Defense, and Attack items. Unlike the AP build, even if you can't escape from an attack, you have enough HP and defense to shrug off the damage and continue what you were doing. This turns Nidalee into a great solo champ. I typically start with boots and health potions, but if the opponent is a very strong harasser, then cloth armor and potions may be smarter. After that, I rush for a Wriggle's Lantern, which gives Nidalee armor, Attack, and a Sight ward that will show enemies that are trying to sneak up on you. Solo Queue is often a mess of killing and dying, where your teammate may have a 10/13 kill/death before you even reach your 4th kill. Even though people are dying left and right, the gold exchange is probably even, and it only tips when people get kills and DON'T die. Tanky DPS Nidalee is great at not dying, so even with a lower kill count, her gold count may still be in the top ranks.

Of course, without AP items, how is it possible to kill anyone? From what I have seen in Solo Queue, bursting down the enemy is everyone's goal. In solo lane, Tanky DPS Nidalee can't really burst anyone down. Instead, she can whittle down HP at no cost until she is ready to perform Takedown. Takedown is just about her only skill with a great AD ratio, so all of that attack finally gets some use. In the solo lane, you can keep the opponent's health low enough until you can dive in and Takedown for the kill. Most people won't expect you to dive them because Nidalee is known for being an easy kill when she is in range. Thanks to the HP and Def items, most champs that you would want to dive, can't kill you instantly. For the times that you overestimate your opponent's HP, you can usually jump out, change back to human form, heal, then autoattack at a range. I do have trouble bursting down a good number of naturally tanky champions, so I tend to ignore them and continue farming gold, rather than showing them my damage output. The squishier characters are easier to scare off. In most cases a Pounce, Swipe and Takedown will drop them to half health. The lower they were initially, the more damage Takedown will do. Sometimes it is better to poke at them until you feel confident enough to go for the kill.

All of this works wonders in 1-6 man fights, but the giant teamfight is a different beast altogether. Solo Queue teamfights are usually an ugly block of red and green colors. Two characters will usually jump on what another. As each players health drops, more melee characters leap into the ring. As Nidalee, pounce would do the same thing, tossing you right into the center of AoE destruction and pain. If i'm lucky enough to see Ranged characters or support characters outside of the jumble of champion body parts, I immediately rush for them. The champs that the rest of my team are focusing on can be their target, while I get the attention of those attacking my group. Even solo queue players will direct their attention off the teamfight target and onto me when I begin pressuring them. If I get a bit too much attention, I'll pounce away and/or flash, soaking up hits with my HP and Defense items. As soon as I see low HP characters trying to escape the fight, they too become a target for Takedown or Javelin Toss.
I usually build the same things every match, getting boots first or cloth armor first depending on my match-up.

If I'm late to the fight or the action is a little too much for me to be a part of, I will just farm until I am ready to scavenge for scraps. Long team fights between high HP characters don't need anything more than Javelin Tosses. The real damage from Takedown doesn't start until people get closer to half health, at that time, you can go in and kill just about anyone that is still alive. It may sound a little selfish, but I like to believe that it is part of her solo nature.

Solo Queue usually doesn't help your cause when you want to play AD Nidalee. Gold plays a big role in how well she does, and when your teammates give away gold to the opponent, you suffer. Without a strong early game, Nid already suffers against characters with equal HP and Def. The more you can outfarm your opponents (which Nidalee, Nasus, and a few other champs do very well), the more of an unkillable force you can become. Unfortunately, people who are 5/8/x (kill/death/assist) will scream at you for losing their game if you are 3/0/x. It is unavoidable and only they are to blame. After all, who wants to play the carry role in EVERY Match of League of Legends? (Answer: Everyone that is a good player. But hey, some people just can't be carried LoL)

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