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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The BackLog + What I'm Playing + Fallout NV

There's a fair amount of games in my game library. Some of them are 100% complete. Some of them I am still playing, or trying to get the platinum trophies. Some of them are actually untouched! When most people talk about a video game "backlog" it covers the games that people own, but have yet to start (or make substantial progress). The same is true for me, but I like to extend my backlog to games I own that I need to go back and play(but I'm not because I'm playing 4 other games at the same time). When finally ran out of hard drive space on the PS3, Chelsea was giving me ideas for what games to delete. My response to 90% of them was that "I can't delete the game data because I need to play these!" Of course I haven't played the games in months, but you get the idea.

Skate 3: Pretty fun pick-up and play game. I first started playing the game strictly on expert until the last few weeks of playing it. On expert mode, the physics are more prevalent and you have to "nail" every trick if you expect to land them well. On easy mode, which I believe 80% of the player base plays on, guides you into every rail and ledge. All of your flip tricks and ollies are at maximum height and you almost never lose momentum. So in order to play competitively, you need to play on Easy or Normal, something I really don't want to do.

Armored Core 4: I was sooooooooo good at the PS2 Armored Cores. I still own #2 and Silent Line. But every time I buy AC4(this is the 3rd time I've bought it/4Answer?) I just can't seem to play it. Missions are still fun, and the visuals are amazing at times. But I'm complete garbage in the Arena. Perhaps it's not enough practice, or you can't expect skill to 100% overcome equipment. Until I get the hang of the game, it'll continue to sit in my disc binder.

In other news, one of the nice things I got for Christmas(once again, from Chelsea), was Fallout New Vegas. I did play through Fallout 3 and enjoyed it a lot, but Fallout NV has a different kind of flair to it. First off, I'll flat-out say that the opening to NV isn't half as good as the first few hours of 3. But don't get discouraged! The game does get increasingly better as you progress. And to ensure that the game got better, faster, I decided to make my initial play-through on Hardcore Mode! Hardcore is something that may be new to the series. I'm not too sure, but I definitely didn't touch such a mode on Fallout 3. This would be much easier to detail with a voice-overed video, but I haven't the Movie Studio program to make such an elaborate piece of work.

As you see, Dehydration, Hunger, and Sleep now play a role. I'd say that Dehydration ticks up 1 point, maybe every 10 seconds. Food and Sleep are so much not an issue that you don't need to keep track of it. Water, though, is VERY important, and the key is to drink whenever you can. Radiation poisoning be damned, keeping your H2O level below 200 is much more of a chore than taking a Rad-X once a week.

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