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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quickee Post, Debris variants

I was finally able to go to locals on Saturday. I didn't get to enter any tournaments, and I wasn't able to test as much as I would have liked. As I expected, everyone was running Debris variants. What's good about the Debris deck is that it constantly has SOMETHING in its hand that it can use. Debris, Gorz, Caius, Dandylion, Hamsters, Quickdraw, its almost ridiculous. Of course, there are many many many cards now to use against this deck that I feel like Debris could be the next Infernity. Infernities were soooooooo good when they were released, then everyone decided to run a side deck that was 50% geared to shutting their deck down. And it worked. So until STOR is released and a new banlist comes out, we have many cards to use against Debris variants.
Chain Disappearance - Removes 2-3 copies of key cards from their deck. Must run 3.
Power Filter - Prevents them from special summoning ANYTHING from the graveyard with Debris. Also stops Quickdraw and Battle Fader for those that run that. Susceptible to MST.
Mischief of Yokai - Instantly halts 1 synchro attempt, then it stays in the graveyard to stop another. Only problem is the fact that the monsters stay on the field.
D.D. Crow - Removes key cards from the graveyard. Chainable to effects like Debris and Pot of Avarice to make them waste a play. "One for ones" aren't that great in this format in my opinion.
Crevice into the Different Dimension - Removes key cards from the graveyard. Chainable to effects. The only problem is that it requires 2 targets and good lord do i wish that they released it without that restriction. The card would have been 100000% balanced if it could hit any 2 cards for no apparant reason. There's so many overpowered cards that rely on the graveyard that removing 2 of them is barely half the battle.
D.D. Ground - I was very excited about this card. Unfortunately though, against a deck like quickdraw your have to use it at the start of their turn, then it becomes a stunning effect. Using it before the synchro is attempted but while the mosnters are on the field IS an option, and may be better than crevice in the beginning of the round. Your opponent gets a brand new synchro monster, but lose their cards to the Different Dimension Zone (RFG). I'd love to test this more, I feel like D.D. Ground is a very very skillful card that could easily stop your opponent in their tracks while leaving you with your graveyard intact.

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