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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pure Core Chimairu

Recently, a guy on one of the forums I frequent was able to top his local regionals with Koakis. Not just a rock stun variant though(he did use 12 rocks), but it was a pure Koaki deck. So congratulations to him, and today we'll talk a little about Moshpit's regional build.

DISCLAIMER : As I have said many many many times, Koakis are a very skillful deck. In my opinion, with 3 Pot of Dualities, it is a Tier 1.5 deck, meaning that in the right hands it can be most other decks(Tier 1 meaning that the cards are so good, it can beat most other decks even in the WRONG hands.). Upon posting this deck(with his permission), I want 1 fact to be known. Do NOT shoot down the deck if you try it and it does not work. If the deck does not work for you then you need to practice the overall strategy of the koaki build.

The build I top locals with is only slightly similar to this regional build. As seen in my Koaki build earlier in the format, the deck excels in a Trap-heavy set-up. The same is true in the regional deck, as it runs 11 trap cards, 13 spells and a whopping 17 monsters.
Monsters: 17
3 Koa'ki Meiru Urnight
2 Koa'ki Meiru Crusader
3 Koa'ki Meiru Sandman
3 Koa'ki Meiru Guardian
3 Koa'ki meiru Wall
3 Koa'Ki Meiru Boulder
Spells: 13
3 Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru
3 Pot of Duality
1 Monster Reborn
2 Core Compression
2 Book of Moon
2 Core Overclock
Traps: 11
2 Bottomless
2 Solemn Warning
2 Dimensional Prison
1 Call Of The Haunted
1 Royal Oppression
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit

Let's talk about his monster lineup because this is the main distinction between my version of koakis and other's. I used to run 12 rocks, but now I feel like that is so excessive when you're using Urnight to put 1 on the field. Knowing which rock to play is extremely skillful and I must admit that I've played the wrong one plenty of times. I also always figured that opponents play around The Rocks, rather than losing a card to get it off the field. That point has always made me think that overloading on all 3 Rocks is detrimental to the deck. However, since he did so well, they must be doing something right. I still feel like Wall is the weakest of the trio and(until I actually try it) I will probably never use 3 in a deck. So my only changes to the monster list would be:
-1 Guardian
-1 Wall
+1-2 Maximus or Rooklord
+0-1 Morphing Jar

The spell list is pretty spot on though. I'm still a big fan of Dark Hole, even though others aren't. A lot of people aren't even playing Torrential any more because you could hit cards like Sangan and Darksoul and "give your opponent pluses"(while they lose field presence??). I can't see myself playing a deck with no Torrential and/or Dark Hole in it, the chance to expend your opponent's hand is just too high for the cost of 1 card. Next, Overclock is another card that has fallen out of my radar, but it has earned a spot in the side deck! Overclock really is a good card, I just HATED topdecking it. Next to Tornado, it is one of the worst topdecks in the entire Koaki build. But, when you combine it with Duality and Compression, it is much easier to get it in turn 1. Even if you don't play it, digging it out of the deck is pretty beneficial. Even if your opponent MST's it, they hit something that's NOT Oppression or Warning. The card can win games even! Wow, maybe I should put it back in the main deck...

Traps are the real asset in this deck. Since each monster has 1 main purpose (unlike Xsabers, Lightsworn, etc that do multiple things during their lifetime) you need traps to pick up the slack of "Monster Hate". I've never been a fan of Dimensional Prison, and have and will always advocate Compulsory in place of it for Koakis. D.Prison can't stop Hyunlei, it's wasted against BRD, it can't hit facedown monsters and it can't be used during your turn. Compulsory can do all of those and still hit every monster that D.Prison can. The only difference is that Compulsory can't do much against level 4 attackers like Shura, and D.Prison shines in that aspect. I'm also a little sad not to see at least 1 Reckoned Power in the deck, especially over 7 tools. Don't get me wrong though, Seven Tools of the bandit is an awesome card and can stop annoying things like Royal Decree. I'd definently side it in, but I believe in a deck with Duality, I would rather run Reckoned. That's personal preference though. Solemn Judgement I used to run when the card was first released. It really is good and can stop any last ditch effort your opponent can throw at you. I wish I still owned mine.
-1 Bottomless
-2 D. Prison
-1 Seven Tools
+2-3 Compulsory
+1 Torrential
+1-2 Reckoned Power

Side Deck:
2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
1 D.D. Crow
2 Prohibition
2 Smashing Ground
2 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Skill Drain
1 Starlight Road
1 Mind Crush
According to Mosh, Fossil Dyna won him quite a few games against decks like Debris. And for good reason, its a Vanity Fiend without the tribute! Backed by the Monster hate that koakis have, its an awesome force to be reckoned with (especially when their strongest normal summon in the main deck has 1000ATK?). Skill Drain is another "hot tech" that can shut down many decks. Not sure how he runs it without compulsory (say, if an opponent drops Gyzarus for a 2400 attacker) but I guess thats what Overclock is for. D.D. Crow on the other hand I am not a fan of. Crevice? Sure. Chain Disappearance? Even Better. But I guess the luster of Crow comes from the fact that it is near-unpredictable. I still wish he could put Cyber Dragon and Chain Disappearance in the side deck though. Cyber Dragon to play against Machina(who uses those anymore?) and Chain against...well anything. The card is so good I'm not sure why it isn't in the side besides being limited to 15 cards lol. I'd also like to see KM Drago in the sidedeck too, as it can shut down infernities and lightsworn almost completely. But really, there isn't enough space. I wonder how is match-ups are against those decks...
-2 Smashing Ground
-0-1 D.D. Crow
+2-3 Chain Disappearance

All in all, the deck is fantastic and makes me wish even more that I had Pot of Duality. Yugioh packs are on sale again this week and I have free money to put towards it, I'm just so tired of buying DREV.....I'm sure I've spent enough on duelist Revolution that I could have bought 3 Pot of Dualities. I just don't understand why the game hates me so much lol. There has to be at least 1 Pack of Duelist Revolution in New England that has Pot of Duality in it!!

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