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Thursday, February 17, 2011

I hate Raven

MAG is still a pretty big part of my gaming time. I started out on SVER, then about 2 months ago I finally vetted over to Valor. I maxed out my character over there, which is reason to move to the third and final PMC for my trophy...Raven.



SVER is the largest PMC in MAG. It also has a large number of good players and huge clans that play together. So when you play with or against SVER, you are bound to have a MASS of dots on your screen, and some of them are probably good at the game!
Valor is the smallest PMC on MAG. I would say that, by ratio, Valor has an equal or MORE good players on it than SVER, simply because of the "diehard fans" who want to make Valor good. Unfortunately, numbers can outweigh how good you are, and this is Valor's problem.
Now Raven...Raven is the 2nd largest PMC. In my opinion it has the WORST players on it, and the ration of good players to bad ones is obscene. The appeal of Raven is that its the futuristic, leaders of the world. They do own more contracts than Valor but mostly because of their numbers. A platoon of idiots can still a quarter of a platoon of good players.

Where's my proof you ask? Well, I didn't take too many pictures, but there is a problem when a level 8 10 or 12 Player is getting 1st place MVP in modes like aquisition and domination. Especially during attacks, no low level player should ever consistently place in the MVP.




There is no excuse to this. For those who don't play MAG, there is a definite skill tree that turns your character from a sucky one to a good one. At level 8 you(I) have:
1) The most Basic guns. No extended clip, no sight, no foregrip for recoil, nothing but the basics.
2) A medical kit with 0 Range(meaning to heal or resuscitate, you have to be right next to a person), the slowest and weakest heal in the game, the slowest recast on resuscitate, and resuscitates don't revive people at maximum health.
3) The most basic armor that WILL slow you down. Also, you run slower than 80% of other characters AND you can not sprint very well.
4) 20 Less Hp than 90% of all other players.

All of this together means that, even with incredible skill, any character over level 30(max level is SEVENTY) should easily outperform you. This goes to show that Raven is terrible.

Currently, I am level 45. I do want to Platinum this game, so there are a few things I have to do for trophies. Once you get 14000CP(money) you can by a sensory jammer, one of the most expensive items in the game. What that does is it masks you from enemy radar, great for getting the Combat Melee Ribbon. Basically, I have to kill 15 enemies in 1 match, and I have to do that with every weapon type in the game. So sensor jammer + knife for a whole match, light machine gun, sniper rifle, combat shotgun, side arm(pistol), and grenade. Then I have to snipe paratroopers for a while until I kill 100(and I am REALLY bad at sniping.)

I love MAG to death, but Raven is soooooooooo bad I can't stand it. I'm thinking about vetting back to valor in the end. Raven has one of the best Assault Rifles in the game(when used with the 4x scope), so that will be missed. Nothing else will lol.

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