Card Trooper
Archlord Kristya
Spirit Reaper
Debris Dragon
Royal Tribute
Overload Fusion
Solemn Warning
Icarus Attack
That's a LOT of semi-limits. In Yugioh, most people say that a semi-limit isn't much different than a card being unlimited. What a lot of people forget is, 1 less copy of a card means that not only is it more difficult to draw into, but once your opponent uses 1 then there is only 1 left. If they use 2, then you'll never have to predict the card again. The next important part of semi-limits are for cards that were previously limited to 1 per deck. That means the card is still good, but it isn't doing anything to the format. Thus we can use another.
Card Trooper - Card Trooper is a big example of this. At 1, the card was just used as an additional mill to the graveyard. If your opponent attacks it, it replaces itself. Splashable, but not very powerful. The problem with Card trooper was that when it was at 3, you could do machine duplication to get 2 more from your deck. Mill 9 and you now have 3 1900 attacks monsters that aren't destroyed at the end phase. Use Limiter Removal and you just won the duel. Still, tactics like that aren't too difficult to overcome, and with life points being thrown all over the place with Solemn Warning, that 400 atk is almost a liability.
Archlord Kristya - Amazing card in fairy decks. The problem is that noone runs 3, so why semi-limit it? You can't special summon multiple copies of the card either, as they stop that with their own effect. So....this is kind of a waste of a banlist spot to me. I know how well OCG fairies are doing, but they aren't running 3 Kristya.
Spirit Reaper - Reaper is a very good card. A lot of the top decks don't run Smashing Ground or Fissure, and a few of the top decks don't run targetting cards like Mind Control or the now limited Book of Moon. Reaper itself has the awesome effect of eating a card from your opponent's hand if it causes damage(with its 300 atk points.) Doesn't ruin the meta, we just can't have 3 because stalling games is no fun.
Debris Dragon - Another hit to Plant Synchro. Suprisinglyy, Black Rose Dragon is still unlimited, and plant users still get Pot of Avarice to put Debris back in the deck while keeping Dandylion in the grave. The semi-limit reduces probably the most powerful aspect of the plant synchro deck - its godly topdecks. Otherwise, decks like Yubel and XSabers were running 2 or less in the first place.
Royal Tribute - I have had the pleasure to have not faced this card in my dueling career. People say that gravekeepers are actually a bad deck, except with they get this card in the early game. Losing most of your hand before you even get a turn is pretty powerful, and not really fair. But I guess since gravekeepers themselves aren't a very strong deck, then Konami wants them to have SOMETHING.
Overload Fusion - This is another card I haven't had to face. Overload can only summon 2 sub-par monsters, Chimeratech Overdragon and Cyberdark Dragon. Both are susceptible to trap cards and monster effects. Gatling Dragon is "powerful" but summoning it means that your deck isn't very good. So sure, give the players an extra Overload Fusion, it won't do much for the deck.
Megamorph - A few people are afraid of this card. Megamorph can turn any 2500 attack monster into a 5000 attack monster, or turn a 3000 attack monster into a 1500! That sounds powerful, but the card's nature is what makes it not. There are plenty of cards that increase and decrease attack, so the defensive side of Megamorph is very bad considering it is an equip card. The card shines on the offense, and is used for one-hit kills. 6000 ATK Blue Eyes, 6000 ATK Gadjiljatron Dragon, those are very scary. But the decks that use those as OTKs aren't very consistent.
Solemn Warning - A lot of players were using just 2 copies of this card. Then YCS Dallas came around and people started using 3. The idea was to stop ANYTHING that looked like a combo. Sure you lose 2000 life points, but that is a small price to pay to keep your opponent from playing the game. Putting this at 2 makes it slightly more skillful. It is still pretty powerful though.
Icarus Attack - The 2nd hit to Blackwing users. I'm okay with hitting this, but Konami keeps neutering the deck because it is just that good. If this continues, there won't be a deck left to play. What is nice is that people who didn't have space for other BW support cards like Anti-Reverse or even the new Black Return. Two Icarus is 1 less card to fear in the Blackwing arsenal of tricks.
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