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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Video from Card Kingdom, courtesy of ckaid0021 on youtube. A lot of people making Nordic Beast decks go with this deck as their skeleton. Of course, with the TCG, there are some definite changes to be made to the deck, such as adding Vanadis and Solemn Warning. What is key to remember when you look at this deck is that there aren't very many good beast monsters in yugioh, and instead of using a higher monster count, this deck uses only 20 monsters. Also, the monster lineup sticks strictly to the nordic beast strategy. Your only other option besides goats and horses are Ryko, which some people feel is the best strategy. Since the other beast monsters are not good, this OCG deck only uses the goat and horse strategy. All the other cards, triple creature swap, triple forbidden lance, support only that. The TCG builds of this deck are pretty much the same, just adding in Vanadis, a Valkyrie or 2, and taking out some of the non-nordic beasts. Then they slim up on some of the triple magic cards to add in Solemn Warning, Torrential, and other traps that are very important to slowing the TCG down.

Is this better than my UniSTORM? Perhaps. I really don't like the idea of having no other monster effects you can use during the duel. But what else is there besides Lockey+Dog?
Scrap Beasts? That gives you another level 4 tuner to use with goat tokens. Scrap Chimera is an amazing card, but after that, none of the deck has synergy with those cards. Can't use Hamster with them, can't use creature swap if you plan to run that, and I'm sure you are limited in other ways.

Moja? Terrible card in a synchro deck. King of Beasts is made for Beast Beat decks, not synchro decks.

Egotistical Ape? Discard to special summon from the hand? It's just like a quickdraw! Unfortunately, there is a reason why noone is topping with quickdraw right now, and that is because Hand resources are toooo important right now. Combined with mine mole, Ape is awesome. But the extra -1 to the hand might be too painful.

Airbellum? Attacking that hand is awesome. You can even get it with megahamster, but why would you if you have Gnjostr? Whats the point of getting anything out of the deck with Hamster other than Gnjostr Grisnir or Ryko?

Aside from that, everyone and their mother wants to run Forbidden Lances in this deck. And in all honesty, its an amazing card. Doesn't save you from Solemn Warning, but it protects Tuner monsters from book of moon, and protects synchro monsters from bottomless. You can also drop your opponent's monsters by 800, but I feel like this is an overlooked aspect. It makes Lance better, to me, in decks that run level ~4 "beatsticks." Because you are losing an aspect of the card, you could have just ran trap stun instead(which doesn't stop Book). I like the card, and I do want to own 3. Will I run it though? Haven't decided.

Another cool card to think about is Nordic Relic Laevateinn. Laev, believe it or not, is not Nordic specific. You can use it when any card gets destroyed by battle. You destroy the card and no effect can be activated in response to it. That means Tytannial, Stardust, Shi En, Thought Ruler, and many other cards will all fall prey to this "1 for 1" card. Yes you did lose a monster by battle, but in the nordic beast deck, that really doesn't matter much. Either you gained tokens(and tokens can activate Laev!), you gained a tanngnjostr, destroyed a card, or got a got in your hand. Just the fact that it can hit So many things for almost free is really cool.

In unrelated news, a new banlist has emerged that is 99.9% likely to be the real thing. Unlike most banlists, it isn't a change for a "fun format" like I posted about last year. This time it is a change for a more balanced format.
Goyo Guardian
Cold Wave
Mass Driver

Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Book of Moon
Gateway of the Six

Card Trooper
Archlord Kristya
Spirit Reaper
Debris Dragon
Royal Tribute
Overload Fusion
Solemn Warning
Icarus Attack

Chaos Sorcerer
Demise, King of Armageddon
Snipe Hunter
Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Barrier
Gold Sarcophagus
Skill Drain
Ultimate Offering

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