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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I did get to play UniSTORM at locals last night. I didn't plan to enter, but I did and ended up staying until 11pm... The deck worked as expected. I drew into most of what I wanted, but when its time for my opponent and I to start topdecking, this is when I run into problems. I ended the night 2-2, beating Herald and Glads, losing to Plant Synchro and Machina Gadgets(again).
Here is the decklist I was using:

Monsters: 24
Ryko x3
Mega-Hamster x3
Tanngnjostr x3
Guldfaxe x2
Tanngrisnir x2
Key Mouse x2
Lock Cat x2
Chain Dog x2
Airbellum x2
Dark Desertapir x2
Gaint Rat x1
Spells: 10
Avarice x2
Gold Sarc x2
Creature Swap x1
Nobleman of Extermination x1
Cold Wave
Dark Hole
Mind Control
Traps: 6
Bottomless x2
Gleipnir x1
Trap Stun x1
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute

As you can see, the deck has some nice cards. Opening hands are usually good, but as with any beast deck, there are a couple of dead draws. Like I said in the last post, a few of the numbers are 100% necessary, such as triple hamster, double/triple ryko. Tanngjostr has proven itself to be a FORMIDABLE force in this deck, and every time you drop it, your opponent instantly wants it gone. Thus, we run 3 copies of it in this deck. It is simply too good of a card not to. This means that Tanngrisnir has been knocked down to 2(After I just got my third!) and Guldfaxe is staying at 2 also. Desertapir stays as gold sarc is too useful in this format. The fact that I can search out Dark Hole/Monster reborn on turn 1, or use gold sarc as a monster reborn in the late game is actually GOOD beast support.

I want to make a build that is powerful, with many options available to it. The problem with beast decks is that the strategy is there, but unline some other decks aka Xsabers, each individual beast monsters is only so strong. So I think the key to making the deck good is the Monster lineup and the Trap lineup. It is important to remember that every beast monster has a pretty weak effect barring Hamster, Ryko, Airbellum, and now Tanngjostr.

Key Mouse - Key mouse is good and bad in the this deck. It can search out Tanngrisnir from the deck WHILE YOU SUMMON ONE FROM YOUR HAND, which is pretty cool. But at the same time, it only works when your opponent destroys it by battle. When I was running 2 of these, I get random selections of monsters in my hand. Running it at 3 means that the deck needs it..and I almost think it does. Key Mouse is mostly designed for use with Lock Cat, which is a pretty bad card on its own. Each lock cat needs 1 monster on the field to make anything worthwile, whereas you could just summon egotistical ape or airbellum. Lock cat allows you to sneak under bottomless though without spending too many in-hand resources. Going to run 2 to go with the 3 key mice. On the other side though, Kinka-byo works well with key mouse. So does Chain Dog! Of course, chain dog is also a terrible top deck, despite being very combo-centric. I used to run 2 of those, but I decided to knock it down to 1 and run 2 Kinka-byo to match the 3 key mice. Kinka-byo is also not a powerful card. In fact, without another monster on the field, kinka-byo is just a card draw(formula synchron)

As you can see, the deck skeleton has
12 Key Cards, 14 if you run double desertapir, 15 if you run triple ryko.
That leaves up to 10 spots for monsters. 5-10 if you plan to run Avarice.
With Key mouse in the deck, thats 3+2+2+1, EIGHT cards all together to make triple key mouse worthwhile. After that, there is really no room for any other tech monsters. In my deck, thats 2 airbellums.

Anyway, this post is going on for a while. I'm going to cut it here and come back tomorrow to talk about the Card Kingdom youtube build and other beast monsters taht could be used instead of Key mouse.

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