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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


STOA(storm of awesome) has finally been released, and the not-so-unthinkable has happened. No thanks to me(I like to believe that) and Konami, everyone and their mother has decided that the pure Nordic Deck is no good, and that all of a sudden Hamster makes the beast engine soooooooo good.

Remember Unistorm? I've been talking about that for a long time now. Tonight, we'll cover this deck and why it is so good (why I feel like people are copying me! Of course I invented the cards)

So what is UniSTORM exactly? As I said back in NOVEMBER, it is a beast deck with the new nordic beasts splashed in. Let's remember that there aren't that many good beast monsters in the game. Tanngjostr and Guldfaxe alone change this fact, by making something to strive for in the deck. Tanngrisnir, as I'm coming to find out, supports the idea behind this, and allows the star player Super Nimble Mega Hamster to have a humongous toolbox to choose from. But the key to remember is that UniSTORM is not a 100% nordic deck. It is a deck that has a lot of synergy with the nordic monsters splashed in. So let's talk about the basic skeleton.
3 Super Nimbles
2-3 Ryko
2-3 Tanngnostr
2 Guldfaxe
1-2 Tanngrisnir
1-2 Vanadis
1-2 Gleipnir
As of A WEEK AGO(my feelings about this) there are tons of decks on US YGO forums that use this basic skeleton, and most of them run 3 of everything. Of course, 3 Mega Hamsters is a must, as it is one of the most powerful 1st turn sets in the game. The rest of the monster count is where things get a little wonky.
-Most people run 3 ryko, which is an awesome card, especially when you run Avarice. But, when you run Avarice, you can also put Ryko back in the deck. Drawing a ryko in your hand is nice, but it is essential to draw into Super Nimbles.
-A lot of people are also running 3 Tanngostr, which is again an amazing card. But why run 3? If you draw into it, you can drop it with it's trigger effect. If you don't draw it, you have both Hamster and Gleipnir to rip it out of your deck. After that, you don't need a third. As powerful as it is, three copies is excessive to me. -Guldfaxe is yet another card people are running at three. Why? I don't know. Not every deck runs 2 bottomless, and if you get your Guldfaxe bottomlessed, then so be it. You should be able to normal summon now and synchro anyway. Do we want to draw into Guldfaxe? Not really. It isn't dead in the hand, but it works better when it stays in the deck. So I have been running 2.
-Only ONE person at the sneak peak pulled a Tanngrisnir, and I quickly snatched it up in exchange for a tin Shooting Star Dragon. I wanted 3, but now, I am not so sure. Each set in Unistorm is very important, and Tanngrisnir has an effect from setting it. It must be destroyed by battle, and when that happens, you get 2 level 3 tokens. That is powerful, but slow. But the biggest issue I have is, we don't always want to set Tanngri. I almost feel that running 2 Giant Rats are more important than running 3 Tanngrisnir. Rat and Hamster gives you the ability to put 2 level 3 tokens on the field when you have a tuner in your hand. If you drew into a Tanngrisnir and decided you must set it, then that means you didn't set a Hamster or Ryko that turn. I'm so undecided on how powerful a set Tanngrisnir is. This requires much more testing, but for now I am running 2.
-Now this is the kicker. Everyone and their mother is running 3 Vanadis. I too want to own 3 Vanadis, but I will not play 3 in a nordic Beast deck. If you run 3 Tanngrisnir, maybe. If you run Garm, maybe. Vanadis can not be synchro'd with non-nordic monsters, and in a deck like Unistorm, that gives us only 6 cards to tune it with. So to me, that means I run 1. And I only summon that 1 Vanadis when I know it will give me results(aka behind a cold wave or trunade.) If ONLY it could synchro with anything, then I would gladly run 3. It is important to note that many of the nordic decks are running Forbidden Lance and Trap stun alongside Cold Wave and Trunade. Each Lance you have is 1 Vanadis that should go off unhindered. However, each Vanadis you run is 1 less non-nordic card you get to run.

Of course, as all Unicorn decks go, we need the Unicorn engine. This is another divergence you will find in these Nordic Beast decks. A lot of them are held back by a common problem beast decks have - Explosive plays. Don't get me wrong, Tanngjostr is really explosive when you drop it, but that is only 6-9 cards out of the entire deck.
Chain Keycat - Lock Cat, Key Mouse and Chain dog attempt to added to the decks general synergy. Key Mouse can search out either goat if you draw it turn 1. Lock Cat gets Key Mouse out of the grave, and Chain dog can summon itself after EITHER Cats or Gnjostr's effect. Chain dog can then be tuned into a Naturia Beast with Key Mouse, or Lightning Tricorn (2800 attacker) with Guldfaxe.
Dark Desertapir - As usual, Dark Desertapir is a key component of unicorn synchro. It allows for explosive plays by monster reborning level 4 or lower beasts from the graveyard, leading to 1 card synchros. Desertapir in the main deck allows us to main 2 more cards, Gold Sarc, which digs out powerhouse cards like Dark Hole and Avarice, and it allows us to main-deck Crevice Into The Different Dimension, which hurts many decks such as Plants, Scraps, Monarchs and even other nordic decks.

All in all, I feel that the deck has a lot of potential, and my build, will be worked and worked and worked until I make a final deck, wish you will find in the to pages.


  1. Hi,

    In my sneak peek, nobody pulled a Tanngrisnir, :(
    But I got a Thor and guldfaxe. At the end, I made a deck similar to yours, but I don't like desertapir. I think is just too situational.

    this is the list of monster that I will use:

    3 Hamster
    2 rykos
    3 Tanngnostr
    2 Guldfaxe
    2 Tanngrisnir
    2 key mouse
    1 lock cat
    1 chain dog
    2 egotistical ape
    1 necro gardna
    2 green baboon
    1 glow-up bulb
    1 gorz

    the idea is try to pull of as many voltic bicorn as I can. The necro can be use with Ape for a level 8 syncro, but also can use it with guldfaxe for a lv7.

  2. I don't own a glow-up yet, but that monster line-up looks very good. Just be careful of making Bicorn when you face opponent's that want to mill lol

  3. jajaja, once a make a double bicorn against a zombie player. When he read the effect, he started to run over them like a demon XD. But even that I won that game (I don't remember how).


Thanks for reading.