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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Koakis versus Synchron Synchro!

You guys haven't heard much about the Koaki deck. That is because I feel like the deck is leaps and bounds better with 3 Pot of Duality, and since I don't even own one, I don't want to play the deck. Unfortunate I know, but I am lucky enough to have so many other decks to choose from. For the sake of this post, and all Play duels, I want to show how the deck is "supposed" to run at optimum strength. The koaki deck on display, ran by Koa'ki Meiru Urknight, is my proposed build if I owned dualities. The opponent is Tuningware! Tuningware will be using the proposed Fudo Yusei/Synchron Synchro deck that I pictured in the last post. Of course, since it is the "proposed version", it has a couple of cards you did not see in the picture.

Koaiki Meiru Urknight(Koakis) 8000 - Tuningware(Fudo Yusei) 8000

Urknight wins the dice roll, so he will be going first.

Turn 1- Urknight Urnight gets one of the coolest cards to get in your opening hand. Pot of Duality! Playing the spell reveals a KM Urnight, KM Sandman, and Solemn Warning. He returns Sandman, and surprisingly Warning to the deck and keeps the KM Urnight. The turn ends with THREE set spells and traps and no monsters! That backrow must be pretty exciting.

Now, Tuningware's Fudo Yusei deck is known for blowing through multiple cards, replenishing them, then summoning multiple monsters to the field. The ideal hands can turn any duel topsie-turvie. So let's see how this folds out.

Turn 2- Tuningware Tuningware opens with Tuning! He adds a Junk Synchron to his hand and mills a Sangan off the top of the deck. Next he normal summons Card Trooper and activates its effect. Card Trooper mills 3 more cards to increase its attack to 1900. Trooper attacks directly for 1900 damage! Urknight hasn't even activated those set cards. Tuningware ends it there. Nothing but a Card Trooper face up on the field.
Urknight 6100 - Tuningware 8000

Turn 3- Urknight Surely Urknight will play cards this time. After drawing, Urknight summons the KM Urnight that came from Duality and uses the effect. He reveals an Iron Core in the hand to special summon a KM Guardian in attack mode. Then he flips one of the face down cards, revealing it to be a Core Overclock. That makes his 2 monsters, Urnight and Guardian, 2500 and 2400 attackers! Then he uses another set card, Compulsory Evactuation Device to put Card Trooper back into Tuningware's hand. No card draws for you. Battle Phase: Urknight swings directly with both monsters, 2400 and 2500. No Gorz, no battle fader, Tuningware is already below half his life in 1 turn. After the battle phase, Urknight sets another s/t card(2 set, Overclock active). At the end of the turn, he discards the iron core to keep Urnight alive, then reveals a boulder in the hand to keep Sandman alive.
Urknight 6100 - Tuningware 3100

Turn 4- Tuningware Tuningware is in a bad spot. Urknight WILL negate 1 effect monster this turn. Then theres 2 face down cards to deal with. The mill from Card Trooper got rid of Giant Trunade. What is there left to topdeck to get out of this situation? Tuningware draws a card and thinks hard. He discards a Quilbot Hedgehog to summon Quickdraw Synchron in defense mode. He then summons Junk Synchron in attack mode and activates its effect to summon Quillbolt. Urknight counters with KM Guardian. Tributing Guardian, Junk Synchron is negated and destroyed, quillbolt stays in the grave (for now). Tuningware uses quillbolt's effect to summon itself in defense mode. Then Doppelwarrior's effect in Tuningware's hand activates and summons itself in defense position. Urknight isn't too worried. Tuningware cannot escape its fate. Quickdraw and Quillbolt (5+7) become Nitro Warrior at 2800. Urknight activates Torrential Tribute, wiping the field. Tuningware doesn't look too happy. He ends the turn with no cards on the field and only 3100 attack points.

Turn 5- Urknight Draw for turn. "Game Over." During the draw phase, Urknight uses the Iron core effect to discard the Boulder in hand to add the core to the hand. With 2 cards in hand, 1 set and 1 Overclock, he summons another KM Urnight in attack mode. He reveals the only card in hand, the Iron core, to special summon his second KM Guardian to the field. The final nail in the coffin is to use the ignition effect of Core Overclock; you discard a core in your hand and all koaki monsters increase by another 1000 atk. This makes Urnight go up to 3500 and Guardian 3400. Of course Guardian would stop any Gorz or Fader in hand, and Urnight has a free shot for life points.

Good game.
Urknight 6100 - Tuningware 0000

That is probably the fastest play duel I'll ever post. Losing Card Trooper was a huge loss and that is why compulsory is so good in Koakis. Compulsory allows you to disrupt your opponent's "Tempo" and reduce them to KM's speed. Of course, none of this would have happened without Pot of Duality. Putting Urnight into your hand is a powerful play that puts the cogs of winning into motion. Solemn Warning is great, but Urnight winds games too.

This definitely deserves another round. Tuningware didn't even get to synchro! There is revenge to be had!


  1. Hi,

    I add you to my blog list, also write a few words about what I think about.

    Good luck and nice blog.

  2. I saw! Thanks for the shoutout. I should do one of those too someday.


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