The deck is code-named "Boomers" right now, and is actually a lot of fun despite not having a real "build." As you guys can see with the title, the deck is Spellcaster themed. Don't click out of the blog though, as this isn't your kid brother's Spellcaster deck, this deck is designed to punish your opponent for even thinking about touching your cards, just like Warrior's Strike.
Gotta get some Super Rare Versions
As I said, the premise of the deck is to expend your opponent's resources (Again) with the magic of Gemini Spark and Magical Dimension. With those cards, if your opponent wants to do anything to your monsters, you get to remove an additional card of theirs and bring a new one to the table. I am running 3 of each in this deck. Because of this, we need a decent amount of Spellcasters and Gemini monsters. Luckily, Crusader of Endymion(Once again) answers the call and is accompanied by Tuned Magician. Of course you don't want to actually use Tuned Magician as a tuner monster unless it is to your advantage, instead, it is food for Spark and M.Dimension plays.
3 Crusader
3 Tuned Magician
3 Gemini Spark
3 M.Dimension
So that is the basic skeleton. Three sparks to use with 6 Gemini, 4 M.Dimension to use with 6 Spellcaster. This skeleton is NOT the final build, but I really want it to look like the above. At the minute I am testing 1 one gemini (Neos Alius, the only other Gemini Spellcaster is Doom Shaman) to bump it up to 7. Spellcasters on the other hand are plentiful. These are the best level 4 and lower spellcasters in the game that could be used in this deck:
Apprentice Magician
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Crystal Seer
Effect Veiler
Eccentric Boy
Any Gravekeepers
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Magical Exemplar
Summoner Monk
Night's End Sorcerer
So right now, my current build is using Breaker, Exemplar, Veiler and Night's End as the ONLY other level 4 and lower spellcasters in the deck. I did try Gravekeepers, and it seems nice, but isn't quite as deadly without Necrovalley. Kycoo seems like a good side deck choice, but I decided against him in the main. Summoner Monk may be decent to get rid of "dead" Sparks and M.Dimensions in your hand. I'm not a big fan of Monk in any deck except for Stardust Assault decks(and now Red Nova decks), so he didn't make it in Boomers. I also don't think there are any good level 4 spellcasters to use his effect for either. I suppose you can get Lyla out of your deck with Monk. Lyla ALMOST made it into this deck if it wasn't for the fact that she is light. Right now, the deck has only 5-7 darks, which is very little for "Chaos." Lyla would have been far too many lights, bumping my 6 up and my 5 down.
The cards I do like are Exemplar and Night's End. They are a bit weak in theory, but strong in practice. Exemplar's Earth Attribute weakens her even more, but being able to summon a Night End from my grave for using 1 spell card is spectacular. I hate Plaguespreader zombie so Night End works very well. Some people say that Gale would be better, but it is important to keep the spellcaster count as high as possible, or else each of those 3 M.Dimensions may not see play. Night End is also my dark target to use towards the Chaos skeleton. Two Chaos Sorcerers and Dark Armed join the deck to punish the opponent even MORE to putting my cards in the graveyard. I also get to remove them if necessary for Allure. Sometimes, running boss cards makes me want to run Monster Reincarnation, but I haven't decided on that for this deck. Monster Reincarnation is a great way to make dead cards live. It works the best in decks that use the graveyard a lot, or decks that have ridiculous boss monsters like Judgement Dragon.
Scrap Dragon? Pfft. I have a pole.
Spellcasters have access to a couple of boss monsters that don't require anything outrageous to summon it:
Delg the Dark Monarch
Endymion, the Master Magician
Ice Master
Ice Queen
Sorciere de Fleur
Endymion and Ice Master are cool to get out, but their requirements to activate their effects are stupid. Delg is a bit subpar, but it is indeed a boss or sorts. Probably the best part about him is that he gets his effect even when he is special summoned! If your opponent makes a Catastor and tries to attack your Crusader, you can M.Dimension him to summon Delg. Then Delg activates because he is mandatory. Mill 2 then remove whatever you want from the opponent's grave. You don't get to destroy a card though unless you plan to miss the timing on Delg's effect. Ice queen doesn't have any effect when she gets summoned, so you're free to pop any card you want with M.Dimension. When your opponent destroys her with Dark Hole or Mirror Force, you get to put M.Dimension back into your hand or any other spell card in your grave. Monster Reborn anyone? Another card that doesn't miss its timing is Sorciere De Fleur which just got released in the YGO WC11 video game. Her effect is mandatory, so it activates after M.Dimension resolves. That means you can actually summon the monster you destroyed with M.Dimension, then summon it to your field! This is where Exemplar and Night End get cool again. I like to keep exemplar and Night End on the field with M.Dimension set. Tribute Night End with M.D. and summon Sorciere, then destroy a monster. Then summon a monster with Sorciere. Use Exemplar's effect to bring back Night End, then synchro with your opponent's monster for game. Most people believe Sorciere is a bad card, and she is by herself, but with combos like this she rocks.
I'll keep building Boomers as much as I can. Keep a look out for more info. I don't have Night's End Sorcerers in real life so I can't move into Beta testing. Feel free to try the deck on your own though!
Enjoyed the article. I too am using Spellcasters, very similar to your build. I'm started with the Temlar/Night's End combo but switched to more of a lockdown using Valkyria.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! You brought my girlfriend back within 2days. she was at my house when I pulled up and she said we have to talk. She told me that deep down I am the only man for her. I have been waiting to hear that for days now, but within 2days after you cast the love spell everything came into place and we are finally come together again.