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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is this cheating?

I was talking to Chelsea on the ride home from locals last night. I ran my latest Koaki Deck and did not get into top 8. I still like the deck a lot, but sometimes you just can't get out of a bad situation (or sometimes you can, but you don't do it very well). So we were talking a bit about what I could run instead.

Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis

Amaryllis is a very special deck to me. It can beat just about anything and is as original as any of my other decks. With all of the cards going around that eat your own life points away, it seems only natural to play something that helps your opponent eat their own life points even more easily! For those who don't know, the Amaryllis deck has a steady burn element build in. It is not like D.D. Dynamite where you inflict all of the damage in large chunks. In Amaryllis, your goal is to constantly burn your opponent until they lose the will to continue the duel. In fact, I've had many moments where the opponent just realizes "I can't avoid the damage any more, so I scoop." The other thing that Amaryllis can do is utilize the best plant engine in the game. Well, I should say that plant synchro really is only 5-8 cards. Of course when that engine comes out, people think I am playing the traditional Plant Synchro deck, but my goal is not to synchro big monsters and attack for game. Doing that is just a plus.

So what is wrong with Amaryllis? Well, my current build has always been inconsistent. Three Amaryllis, 3 Trade-In, 3 Tytannial, 1 Monster Reincarnation. Just looking at that screams "hand-clogging", and it does happen. The part that is supposed to be nice is that I can draw into many cards that can make those big plants live. When I don't draw into those, I lose. The deck can also be sided against excessively, just like Plant Synchro! Fortunately, the deck has more than 1 win condition, so it is failry easy to lose a card and still have other options.

In this quickee post, I showed a picture of my playset binder, which conveniently showed pieces of the Amaryllis deck. But to you guys that could be pretty lame. Everyone can make a playset binder out of bad cards! So let's take a look at what I COULD make if I really wanted.
Yugioh Cards
Yugioh Cards
Yugioh Cards

In my binder, I have playsets for
Various forms of Chaos
Various forms of Plant Synchro
Rituals (except Herald)
80% of Hero Beat
90% of Flamvells

So if I wanted to build something that is a meta deck, I probably could. Like I said in the beginning of the post, we were talking about what decks I should run, and hey, I could run a meta-deck if I liked. Junk Doppel? Got it. Chaos Plant Synchro? Got it. Twilight? Sure. Of course I really don't want you guys to read about how well my Gravekeepers or Hero Beat is doing. It should be much more entertaining to read about how I took Nordics to Regionals on the 30th(Post on that later).

I actually want to restart my Intro to Chaos project. There are many new options out there and monsters are more important than ever, which is something that Intro has great options for. Keep a look out for that as I search for my next original/main deck!


  1. I don't understant the relation between the title and the text.

    Btw, I think 3 tytannial is too much because I guess you play botanic girl to search for amaryllis

  2. The idea was that I can't play meta decks. I'm supposed to only play "original" decks or else I won't be special lol. (Original = not a copy of a YCS winning deck)

  3. So do I. I like when my opponent don't have any idea about what is going on in the duel. XD


Thanks for reading.