Hi everyone and welcome to my personal blog! Despite the huge Yugioh banner above this text, I post about other things too, specifically video games. Leave comments wherever you like and check me out on Facebook and Twitter @Veedotme.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What makes a gaming blog?

The Playstation network is still down and may be for another TWO weeks. My boredom is on the rise and it is difficult to make blog posts because of what my next post would be about (Competitive gaming). I'm having to resort to playing games that I may not necessarily be in the mood to play, but I need to make some progress on it. In between doing that, I spend my time reading a few specific web pages. I mostly jump back and forth from Yugioh to general gaming, and refresh pages after that. Yeah, I'm that bad. However, there are certain gaming sites that I HATE to go to, even though they are such a well established source of information. I love to read about previews for new games, reports on what developers are doing, deals on games, and things like that.
What I DON'T want to see is this:

Or this:
Not that its a bad picture. Thank you Sam Wise @ Cosplay.com

Nor do I want to read a news article about how a kick cracked an xbox controller over his Father's head. I understand that some days are slower than other's for news. I also understand that "luls" on the internet is the greatest experience anyone can ever share with another (it's not). But when I go to a gaming blog to read about gaming, I want exactly that.

Some blog format websites do reflective articles on slower days, which is much better than copying and pasting an article some 13-year-old found funny. The reflective articles are things like asking the audience how THEY feel about something. Since a lot of people read these blogs, they will gladly comment and start up some great conversation. If I was a big-time blog author, I would much rather spark conversation between my readers than get strings of "LOL!" as replies. I was skimming through a few video game blogs just last week to see what sort of content were in these multiple year old blogs. One of them really disappointed me, and I would say that 80% of his posts were worthless to me. That isn't to say that some people don't love internet humor, Chelsea has plenty of friends of read Internet Humor all day, and they are still nice people. I just think that if anyone wanted to see models play Xbox, they would know that google exists to help you find that.

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