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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

LoL just got...hard?

So remember when I said that League of Legends was easy? That people who end a match with x/x+10/x records and even those with x/x/x-5(that's equal kills and deaths) are playing the game wrong? That laning is simple and you only really die if you allow yourself to die? Well, I have finally found something that makes the game a fair bit more difficult.

DISCLAIMER: I (still) do not play Ranked Matches and have less than 700 games under my belt.

Sejuani is my first jungle champ. I already have a laning tank that I like and we usually get enough free tanky DPS champs to play with from Riot. Additionally, I have a solo top bruiser in Nidalee. This leaves Sejuani as my dedicated jungler; filling the tank, jungle, CC, and even AP roles if necessary. She is not the most powerful jungler in LoL, but she has some excellent tools that works in many situations.

Q) Her Assault can jump over walls, which makes it a great escape and surprise skill. You can "draw a line" across the enemy's escape path, or just use it to close the gap after they Flash.
W) Northern Winds piles on the damage over time while the enemy tries to escape. Also great for killing monsters, probably the only reason why she can jungle.
E) Permafrost alone can turn a failed gank into a successful gank. The best use is right after the enemy flashes or escapes from the laner's CC. Not only do they waste whatever resources to escape your gank, you get to save your flash because Permafrost allows you to catch up. It is also takes a nice chunk of hp from the enemy, every little bit helps. You can also Permafrost after Glacial Prison, for 1-2seconds of stun and 2-3 seconds of slow.
R) Glacial Prison is USUALLY a successful gank. Combined with Permafrost, you have almost 5 seconds of free hits, barring a Flash. As a new player, I have trouble giving the blue buff away early in the game, as each recast of Glacial Prison is often a fresh kill.
Permafrost AFTER they flash = dead character

Even with awesome skills, jungling is not as easy as you'd think. Not every champ is easily gankable, many have built-in escapes, some can lay traps, and just about everyone uses Flash. Sejuani also doesn't have a lot of "burst damage", and most of her damage is done over time. Teammates who aren't in a good position to secure the kill often make ganks unsuccessful. Perhaps the scariest I have had to deal with, as a new jungler, is counter jungling. Between level 1-3, Sejuani can actually kill a LOT of champions, minus Udyr, Lee Sin, and Xin Zhao in a 1v1. Anyone without self sustaining skills or powerful melee hits are killable if you aren't caught with low hp. If you are, there are enough walls in the jungle to jump over and ask for reinforcements.

Only possible with Kennen's help

The concept of counter jungling sounds simple, but it can be difficult and risky. A (common) good example is if the enemy jungler is ganking bottom lane without his blue buff up. Around 6:30-7:30, both blue golems will be respawning. Sejuani can kill a blue golem relatively quickly, so if you know where the jungler is, then you are free to take any monsters you can. Of course, they will be doing the same, so I have found it to be very important to tell your teammates to check on a buff while you steal an opponent's. Some of the best counter junglers actually buy wards and place them in the enemy jungle. That way, you can keep track of his movements and possibly even attack them. Professional players keep track of the gold count that the enemy jungler has amassed from killing monsters and ganking players. It is a good way to visualize the progress you are making on your jungle champ, hopefully it exceeds the enemy jungler's performance.

Jungling is still pretty dependent on your teammates' skills. If an enemy lane is becoming too strong, your chances of killing them in a gank decreases. If your team keeps the enemy under their turret, you won't be able to attack them without diving the tower. If your teammate's hp is too low, forcing a gank may get them killed. From what I understand, any time you can not get kills, you should be fighting jungle monsters. Otherwise, every second you waste waiting for the chance to jump out of the bush could have been free, uncontested gold and exp in your jungle.
Annie close to her turret? Check.
Stun on her next spell? Check.
Me at 50% hp? Check.
Brand too far to do skills? Check.
Gank successful? No.

My jungle Sej game is still in the works and my win rate is probably around 50%(just like my overall win rate). I know I'm not terrible at the game, but I do wish I could carry any team. Powerful junglers often win the game alone just like any Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Irelia or Annie. Here's hoping that I can learn to play Sej well enough to carry any baddie.

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