Hi everyone and welcome to my personal blog! Despite the huge Yugioh banner above this text, I post about other things too, specifically video games. Leave comments wherever you like and check me out on Facebook and Twitter @Veedotme.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I need to play more

As of right now I have two local shops I can play Yugioh at: DieHard Games and Stillpoint. A few people have suggested that I try out a store called Over The Edge in Fairhaven. So let's take a look at that in terms of traveling.

A) DieHard Games
B) Stillpoint
C) Over the Edge

As you can see, Over the Edge is not exactly a hop and a skip away. In fact its just as far from our base of operations as The Wizards Duel, and that's a 40-minute drive plus traffic. I've been told that there are a few more spots in Rhode Island that I may be able to go to. If they don't break the 30-mile, 30-minute mark then I'll try them out. Until then though, I'll have to resort to playing on some Fridays, Saturdays, and Monday only. And Monday is only 3 hours worth, is that even enough!? Hah I say! I must find a 3rd location. My urge to play and meet new people has yet to be quenched.

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