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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My latest obsession - Flowers

Yeah you heard me, Flowers. I've always been a fan of plant decks, but the current quickdraw dandylion deck wasn't really my style. It's good, don't get me wrong. Huge monster supply, a very few amount of unplayable cards, and access to many different synchro summons make it a good deck. The other plants that are popular right now are naturia, which are also powerful in their own right. But the deck I want to talk about takes a little bit from the dandylion deck, splashes in plant support, then has the rest of its own theme going on - and that is the Phoenixian Amaryllis Cluster deck.
Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis

Amaryllis is a level 8 plant, 2200ATK 0 DEF, that can only be Special summoned with its own effect. That is, whenever it is in your graveyard during your endphase you can remove 1 plant to special summon it in defense position. Whenever Amaryllis attacks it is destroyed after damage calculation. Whenever Amaryllis is destroyed and sent to the graveyard your opponent takes 800 points of damage. Lots of effects for just a flower, but they're all pretty nice. To most people, 800 burn damage isn't much, and truth be told, its not. That burn damage isn't your win condition, it just applies pressure to your opponent until you win. So what is the win condition? Attacks and effect damage.

Volcanic CounterLet's talk about the deck itself. DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility for the creation of this deck. I do have cards in it that suit me, but I am in no way the "creator" of using Amaryllis in this fashion. The big stars of the deck are:
3 Phoenixian Cluster Ameryllis
3 Tytannial, Princess of Camellias
3 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
3 Trade-In
3 Volcanic Counter

All the other plant staples are in, including Lonefires and Miracle Fertilizer. As you can see, the basis of the deck is to put Amaryllis and Volcanic Counters in the graveyard ASAP and start abusing their effects. The graveyard is very important in this deck, so cards like Macro Cosmos are a problem(side deck). This is done using Ryko, Trade-in, Card Trooper, and Koaki Meiru Gravirose. Once we start removing stuff the deck, there is 1 Burial from the DD and 1 Return from the DD to get them back. By then the round should already be over.

This is probably going to be my next deck after Relinquished. It will depend on the ban list. I am using 2 dandylion but the deck is fully capable of running 1. Some people think Ryko may randomly get hit, in which I do not know of a good replacement. Lonefire to 1 can be worked around, otherwise the deck should be fully functional.

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