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Saturday, August 21, 2010


Relinquished is a pretty nice card. He takes a lot less effort to place on the field than Northwemko, revives even more easily, and is more often than not a "-1" for your opponent (Yes I do still hate the terms "minus" and "plus" in YGO, but it is very easy to exemplify a gain in advantage in this scenario). After the first starter I bought in May, I got a few pieces for my old Relinquished deck and it got thrashed in the tournament. I realized that my problem was the amount of cards in my deck that WERENT relinquished, applied too little pressure to the opponent. So now we come to the August build, which does very well, albeit not topping, which is okay to me lol. Koakis are still a perfectly viable deck, but for the next few tournaments, I will be entering with Relinquished.
Monsters: 21
Relinquished x3
Manjuu x3
Djinn Releaser x2
Djinn Disserere x1
Armageddon Knight x2
Stygian Security x2
Breaker x2
Sangan x1
Gale x1
Chaos Sorcerer x1
Dark Nepthys x1
Gorz x1
DAD x1
Spells: 9
Black Illusion Ritual x2
Preparation of Rites x2
Allure x1
Heavy x1
Brain Control x1
One for One x1
Traps: 10
Threatening Roar x2
Call x1
Torrential x1
Bottomless x1
Gravity Bind x1
Escape from the Dark Dimension x1
Dark Bribe x1
RftDD x1
Dust Tornado x1

So basically, we don't have too many gimmicks, and the one i do have is sided out when necessary. That is basically Nephthys. What makes Nepthys good is that she A) controls my Dark count for DAD, B) can be special summoned if ditched, C) sets up for EftDD and RftDD sillyness. The trap count isn't as situational anymore either. I never liked T.Roar, but with the rise of Book of Moon and special swarming, T.Roar can keep Relinquished up for one more turn and stop your opponent from attacking through him(twice). The other addition to the deck is stygian security which has amazing synergy in this deck. One for one after I use Breaker's effect to make Sergeants, pull Disserere from the deck after battle, remove with allure and bring it back with EftDD, it's a great card.

In all honesty there are TOO many cards one can put into a relinquished deck. Magical Exemplar, Limit Reverse, Lava Golem, Volcanic Queen, Level Limit, Ceasefire, there's too many choices and not enough deck space. I actually believe that all of the above cards have a spot in the side deck, but it's impossible to use all of them and keep a consistent deck. Perhaps running 1 exemplar and 1 breaker would be ideal, you would think that summoning a relinq from the graveyard just for playing a magic card would be too good to pass up, but I do unfortunately lose a dark target. If I ever get Golem or queen they will 100% definitely go into my side deck to combat things like machina, burn, and fairy decks.

I'll post more about the deck when I can, lately I've only been able to play YGO on Mondays. So far I have lost to blackwings due to kalut, and dandylion due to bambooshoot(another target for volcanic queen).

And also sorry for the lack of color and grammar lol

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