Hi everyone and welcome to my personal blog! Despite the huge Yugioh banner above this text, I post about other things too, specifically video games. Leave comments wherever you like and check me out on Facebook and Twitter @Veedotme.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not enough time in the day

Yesterday I talked a little about how pressed for time I am.The way my week has fanned out is as thus:
Sunday - Spent time at the mall until around 6pm. Gaming until 11pm.
Monday - Work until 5pm. Yu-gi-oh right after. Got home to sleep at around 11pm(ugh).
Tuesday - Work until 5pm. Shopping after that, so I got home at around 6-630. Had to cook dinner once I got home(ugh lol). Blog updates and web browsing after that. Finally, popped in a game at around 830-9pm. Bed time at 11.
Today - Got out of bed at 9am. Web Browse -> Shower -> Eat ->Laundry. It's half past noon as I'm typing this, so you can say that I'm doing Blog Updates at 12pm. So that means I have about 2 hours after that to play something until work at 4.

What sucks is that I just bought another game, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 for the low low price of 19.99 New (New is used very loosely, as buying a game from Gamestop means that it is only new because it wasn't traded it. It has been opened, and probably played by the associates, but hey, lowest price I could find.). This adds a new treat to my already full plate of backlogged games. Right now it is split into 2 categories:
Uncompleted:Bayonetta, Xenosaga 2, Fallout: NV, Kung Fu Rider, Rock Band 3 and now DW Gundam 2
Completed: MAG, Little Big Planet 2, Sonic Unleashed
These are just the games I am MOST likely to put in an play. There are plenty of other games I "need" to be playing right now, but the above ones are at the forefront.

So how in the world do I finish all that? I still want Killzone 3 and the Sharp Shooter. Infamous 2 comes out in April (ARGH), Yugioh World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus comes out in May(DOUBLE ARGH), and then Resistance 3 at the end of the year? Not to mention the money for things like Anime Boston that we may go to, or trekking home for the Fourth of July. Money and time is of the essence. I need a solution.

I suppose, as far as the blog is concerned, setting up an exact schedule for it would make posting easy. Like today, if I wanted to show some gameplay videos of DW Gundam 2, I could have recorded it while playing last night. Then, you spend the hour uploading it to youtube overnight. In the morning, I'll have a finished product I can add to the blog. So basically, the idea would be either to record EVERYTHING, or think up exactly what I want to post about each day. Even with the Yugioh blog, which is up to 69 posts now, I type as I go. The most brainstorming and planning you'll find is me thinking about my post on the way home from work. With the Game Blog, you also have news and media that pops up every day. Unless you make multiple posts per day, there's no way to "plan" every single post you make Unless you don't mind having posts in-line to production; meaning that you have 1, 2 or even 3 posts you may have already made and just awaiting publication, but you push them to the next day because a new trailer just dropped for a hot game.

If only I didn't work. Of course, then I would have no games, or internet, so that means no blog. I guess not sleeping would work. Stay up after work(or play) and work on my games and blog until around 2am. Not that running on 4 hours of sleep is healthy. If there were a couple of extra hours in the day...say 30, we'd be good to go. Seven to eight hours of sleep, time in the day for important work, then some extra bonus hours just for me!

If only.

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